Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Jeep Rattle Underneath

Iconography: Jupiter and Io

Here is the solution this week.

said it was a work that had gone to auction with their partner. Both oils on copper (Roman school of the late seventeenth century, as the room), were auctioned at Sotheby's London in December 2007. The estimate was between 8,305 and € 11,074, exceeding to achieve an auction of € 17,303.

The room designated as the Rape of Europa and Jupiter and Europa.

The other copper is indeed the Rape of Europa (right), with the white bull which had become Jupiter, with the young Europe on his back and out to sea, to take her to Crete, where violate.

appears that Sotheby's, to see another similar animal in the second copper, thought it was the same myth.

Actually it's Io and Jupiter. We had talked about how God transforms the girl into a cow, a gift for his wife and silence and their suspicions of cheating, and the subsequent murder of Argos, who cared for her at the request of Juno, and therefore only refer the post that was about it: http:/ /

However, I was curious to get the issue again, especially because it is very common to find the girl as a human and the allusion to the future undergo metamorphosis in the same scene.

addition, in line with this, I have also located a picture of Argos, the character of a hundred eyes will take care of the cow until it decapitates Mercury commissioned by Jupiter, a curious (right, below).

One last detail that might be interesting to identify when issues like this is to consider what is represented in the piece that makes
p Areja. Here, the author chose two of the loves of Jupiter and adulterers, though in the case of Europe, followed the usual patterns of representation, for Io not opted for the time of death of Argos, but by the seduction, the under-represented but that gave an excuse (the cow), which serve as common thread between both boxes.

Sources: Ovid, Metamorphoses
Gallery: Sotheby's. Com; http://www.blogodisea. com / juno-hera / mythology-Greek /

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Does Lisa Loeb Do Bounty Commercials?

A character in the Old Testament: Moses

Here is the solution the proposed challenge last week.

is a fresco by Botticelli, tests Moses, made for one of the walls of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, commissioned by Pope Sixtus IV in 1481.

As I said many times they are actually included in a single work, so he preferred to speak about the character in question: Moses, that we have the opportunity to talk about each of the scenes further.

The iconographic type varies with time: early Christian art represents him as a young man and beardless, but past those early days than usual will appear as a mature, bearded man carrying bifida in their hands Tables Soon the law, he also recognized by two small "horns" that appear on his forehead. Perhaps the most famous work is so is the Moses to Michelangelo carved for the tomb of Pope Julius II, in the church of San Pietro in Chains (left). The origin is in St. Jerome's translation of the Bible was the Vulgate. Thus, although the said original Moses came down from Mount Sinai after speaking with God, his face glowing, Jerome translated "horns" which meant "lightning" and, although Thomas Aquinas struggled with this interpretation, had no success. Moreover, even he has been represented in this way in moments before his ascent to Sinai, which is clearly against the biblical tradition.
Although the Middle Ages moralize these bumps, referring to them, Moses could drive the characters that could mean bad, in the sixteenth century, the Counter-Church, fearing attacks by Protestant began to make them disappear.
Source: Louis Reau, Iconography of Christian art. Old Testament Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRowan, 1996, pp. 212-214

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Queen Miss Patty Boo Ghost

classical iconography auction

For this week I chose a mythological subject.

is a box that is sold at international auction house, along with another partner with which it formed.

specialists in the room saw the cow and the wrong myth ...

Well, I leave here, if there's anybody you can think of who may be the characters we see, and within seven days we'll talk about what they said in the room and see the solution to the "enigma" .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ide To Usb Converter Radio Shack

The first challenge of the year 2011: parable of the wise and foolish virgins

Last week we proposed this image. Is an oil on canvas by José Camarón (87 x 67 cm) sold for 25,000 € in the last auction of November 30, Fernando Durán.

Iconographically, is the parable of the foolish virgins and virgins prudent, although not as usual.

According to the biblical text, narrated in the Gospel of Matthew (25: 1-13), Jesus explains that the kingdom of heaven is likened unto ten virgins who come to meet the bridegroom who comes to the wedding feast . Five of them, the wise, besides take their lamps, carry oil with them, plus the foolish do not take the latter. The bridegroom is delayed and all fall asleep so that when he appears, and women open their eyes, the foolish virgins ask them oil to the wise who, however, deny this and tell them to go shopping for keep to themselves are missing. So while they would for more oil, the bridegroom came, and came to the wedding with those five virgins who had been cautious, closing the door behind him. When you return the other five, called and asked that they open the door, but were told: "Verily I say unto you not know you. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour (when the Son of Man coming). "
With this parable refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ, for which one must be prepared. According to Jewish tradition in Jesus, the virgin bride's friends formed a procession to this,
and led from the house of his father to the husband and waiting for the future husband near where the party was held, to light your way with lamps on their arrival, as the ceremony was held at night, and that is what is narrated in the parable.
cathedral in Bern (Switzerland), this cover is decorated with the same parable. The sculptures are Erhart Küng Steinmetz (left). It is a matter of relatively frequent occurrence in the Gothic cathedrals of France and Germany, putting the fools on one side of the central portal of the facade, which usually has to Christ the Judge in the eardrum-stop, on the other hand, have to the wise, and that has to do with the Last Judgement, recognizing in the wise virgins to the elect and the reprobate the foolish and refers to the constant surveillance should be so we are not surprised by the death and the Day of Judgement.

Less common after medieval times
be seen in this painting by Wilhelm von Schadow, the Städel Museum, Frankfurt, in which the boyfriend appears perfectly identified as Christ.
In this "challenge" we did not have the ten virgins, which is unusual. It is a version somewhat unusual and infrequent, as we find a painting that is one of the foolish asking oil, or the wise are preparing to enter the building following another character, like an angel, or the foolish are facing the closed door, knocking to no avail.
As for the number five, is a symbolic number that corresponds to the wounds of Christ, the senses or the books of Moses. And also, with the stars surrounding the head of St. John of Nepomuk and to identify and differentiate from the rest of the saints.
It was indeed an easy challenge.
Source: Reau, Louis, Iconography of Christian art. Iconography of the Bible. New Testament Barcelona, \u200b\u200bRowan, 1996, pp. 368-374