Sunday, February 20, 2011

2 Small Throat Blisters

News - Ed Red Circle

One for all audiences, the first, and another for those who love a mystery. There are synopses of two new books published by Red Circle :

- The sad man of David Espinar :

"Just one year after the discovery of a crime so perfect as wild, the victim's friends gather to commemorate the anniversary. This day becomes an examination of conscience for all of them, search for answers, and exchange memories, forbidden love, magic, dreams and a real newspaper, which gave the keys to many of your most intimate questions. "

- infinite tower of Miguel Lopez and Marta Madrid :

"Bea does not like the hair idea of \u200b\u200bstaying at home while their parents go to a party. Night and a gust of wind that blows through your window, you are invited to dress up monster and walk among the shadows. Finally, Bea will find a very special party. They begin a journey to a place that could only exist in the imagination of children ... and in a peculiar adult. "

Greetings eater @ s!


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