Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Can I Tell Genuine Onyx

A tapestry of mythological representation: the discovery of Erichthonius

last week proposed to the seventeenth century Belgian tapestry with a mythological subject as a challenge.

Measuring in at 225 x 325 cm, will be auctioned from 15,000 € in Ansorena (12, 13 and 14 April).

According to ancient mythology, Vulcan had attempted to rape Athena, without success. However, some of his semen fell on the ground, where he was born a creature half human and half serpent. Athena put it in a basket and gave it to the daughters of Cecrops, Aglauros, Herse and Pandrosus, telling them not uncovered. But they paid no attention and, as shown in this work, to discover the contents of the basket, were horrified. The boy escaped, reaching the goddess, who raised him on the Acropolis.

is a scene not too frequent but it looks like, can sometimes appear in one piece.

Bibliography: FALCON MARTINEZ Constantino (et alt.) Dictionary of classical mythology , t. 1, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1995, pp. 220-221


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