Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stainless Steel Or White Gold Earrings Starter

News - La Galera

If a book is based on true events called me more attention. This is the case of the latest work of La Galera written for four hands.

- Fangs of Salvador Macip and Sebastian Boig :

"Vincent is a high class teenager so used to doing what he wants. His father feels he has lost control over it and makes a radical decision: to send some exclusive camps, famous among the elite for its success in the rehabilitation of troubled youths.

Vincent soon finds their methods when they do spend hours locked in a space too small for it and can barely move. Gradually be adapted to an unhealthy world of cruel and extreme discipline.

But Vincent will see that this is not far from the worst that can happen. You'll soon discover a mysterious creatures, wild and murderous, that plague the facility. And also that his fellow camp is little more than cannon fodder. "

eater @ s! Greetings


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